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By Kristy Murao

APMCP Year 15 Online

   As I sat in the classroom and watched the Tianammen Square drama unfold on the huge 200 inch television set, I envied the particpants' passion for their cause and their determination to have their voices heard.  I honestly do not think I would be able to take part in a demonstration such as the one that occurred in Tianammen Square in 1989.  Should I be critical of myself because I do not think I have protestor potential?  A better question is, "Why don't I?" 

Is it because I am a product of my family?  A product of a business management school? Or a product of democracy?

I have to wonder if me being me is a the reason I would not wish to participate in a demonstration like the one that occurred in Beijing.  Stereotypically speaking, Asians are known to be complascent and not wish to "rock the boat," a trait I definitely think I possess.  This may be the Asian roots within me acting. 

It could also be the business manager within me speaking.  I may see a protest as a business venture and therefore recognize the importance to do a SWOT analysis, along with a cost/benefit analysis in order to insure success.  Taking a business approach would definitely emphasize a lack of emotion toward the issue. 

Although the above could explain why I believe I would not necessarily join a mass demonstration, I think the largest influence on my decision would be the fact I am a product of democracy. Living in a "democratic" society, I feel I lack the passion and the determiniation to initiate change on a large scale.  I do not feel the same anguish and frustrations the students did who were living in a communist country, therefore, I can not begin to imagine the thoughts and feelings they were experiencing.  Due to the freedom within Canada to think, feel and express individual thoughts, I feel the drive to initiate change has been lost.  Democracy in a sense has given too much freedom to the people, freedom which does not necessarily need a massive revolution to occur in order to initiate change.

Kristy Murao